Cringe-worthy question: “What’s your size?” The answer sounds something like, “Oh I think I’m an 8, but sometimes I’m a 10. And with jeans, I’m a 34 but can also be a 38. In tops, I vary between an extra small and a medium.” By the time you’re done rambling off the 12 different sizes you could be, you realize the question has no answer. I can’t begin to count the times I’ve brought four sizes of the same item because who knows which one will work! And we all know the worst: BRA sizing. UGH!!!! A total nightmare that we’re gonna unpack.
How did we get here? … allllll the way to the 1800s. The fashion industry had to start standardizing clothing sizes for factory production and who did they measure for it? Models and actresses deemed to have the “perfect” body type. Fast forward to 1937, and a survey is conducted to find “average” body measurements of women across the country. This survey of just 15,000 women is still the basis of today's system. Yup. A sizing system older than the Internet.

Now for bra sizing: buckle up and breathe. Believe it or not, bras didn’t really exist until the early 1900s. Before that women squeezed into corsets to shape and smush their chests. Then, Mary Phelps Jacob cut up two handkerchiefs and some ribbon and called it the backless brassiere. Talk about a DIY queen! Bras operated on a one size fits all system til cup sizes came into play at the time of the second world war, when bras became part of a women’s uniform! And in a way it stuck!! Padded bras came another ten years later, along with underwire and adjustable straps. Then the Wonderbras came in the ‘60s, sports bras in the ‘80s, and push-up bras became all the rage in the ‘90s. The number and letter system we know today, using band and cup measurements like a 34B rose in the 70s. The sizing was calculated from the difference between under bust and full across the bust but women were nooot a fan. So, lingerie companies told women to add 4 inches to their underbust measurement but the catch: they didn’t actually change their sizes.
This brings us to the beginning of vanity sizing. Vanity sizing is when brands assign smaller sizes to clothes than they actually are. In theory, this is to make customers “feel better” about themselves. How sweet of them! (I hope you can sense the sarcasm). Over time, vanity sizing has totally f***ed up both clothing and bra sizing systems. Marilyn Monroe, a size 12 in the 60s would be a size 6 today. For bras, most women are unaware of the plus four technique, leading us to believe our size is smaller than it is. If your brain hurts and your arms are in the air in exasperation, I’m right there with you sister. So, it’s about damn time for a new sizing system!
In case you didn’t know, we DID create a new sizing system. It’s a two-letter system - the first letter is the under-boob and the second is the circumference of your boobs (across your nips). And we made it even easier with our Nuudii Sizing Calculator!
No one knows your body like you, so who better to size yourself? All you gotta do is grab a tape measure and take two measurements. First, to take your band measurement, put on something unlined and non-compressing. Place one end of the measuring tape in the middle of your chest and wrap the measuring tape around your underbust where your band would naturally lay. Measure the nearest inch. Piece of cake! Next, for your cradle measurement, repeat step one but wrap the measuring tape around the fullest part of your bust. Measure to the nearest half inch again. And we’ll take it from there! Just pop those numbers into the calculator and poof: your size is there! And if you need us, we’ve got your back with personalized styling sessions :)

Our Tee System has 10 sizes, (SS through XLXL) that works for 42+ traditional bra sizes. All other systems are more flexible so they have only 4 sizes that also work for the same number of bra sizes. Our sizing calculator will make it easy for you - no need to guess! Nuudii was co-created with the help of over 500 women, ages 16-94, with all different shapes and sizes. This includes our team - we’re all part of the testing! And since we launched, our offering has grown from 3 sizes to 10 and we’re constantly developing to expand beyond what we already have (this takes time)!
A lot has happened in 50 years and those of us with boobs have seen even more changes. The lovely thing about us is our bodies and boobs are always changing, so remember to remeasure!! But know that our patented technology fabric and design were developed to move and change with you. So, Queens, let’s say goodbye to a sizing system older than cell phones and embrace a new one that’s designed to work for you!