Meet Nuudii System
Hate Bras? Us too!
For too long, we’ve been conditioned to believe that our boobs are flawed in their natural form. We’re calling BS! Say goodbye to subpar fit, hardware that digs, and the feeling of being pinched and squeezed by a torture device also known as a bra.
Say hello to boob freedom with Nuudii — the option between bra and braless.
the option between bra and braless
designed with purpose · produced with intention
Nuudii is not a bra. It’s made differently, fits differently, and functions differently. All of our products are designed with a purpose. We always start with the WHY. Does it solve a problem? Is it filling a void in the market? Does it positively impact the wearer? We ask these things so we can bring you versatile products that address your free-thinking, free-living, busy as F**K life of today.